Because Waitrose have genuinely very high standards, when we were briefed to write a couple of quick tactical ads for milk and eggs we thought there was an opportunity to make a much bigger campaign that was uniquely Waitrose - Waitrose Live.

We broadcast live from Waitrose farms to OOH sites across the UK in a media first, proving the quality of their produce and also providing some mindfulness during the chaotic commute.




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We also made a supporting TV campaign that was as close to live as physically possible. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Panos, our producer, for putting him through this!

Film at the farms between 5-8am in the morning -> edit in a tiny caravan on the farm -> files sent to a London post house by 12pm -> broadcast that same evening.

We woke up every morning not knowing what we would have on TV that evening. It was exciting, nerve-wracking, muddy as hell and very good fun. And ultimately award winning.